Number of years I've spent doing what I love and documenting your stories
Age when I was redeemed by Jesus, brought from death to life in the glorious waters of baptism.
Number of pets we have. 4 doggies, 2 ferrets and 16+ chickens. We hatch our own chicks so this number can change at any time!
Age when I went through firefighter rookie school & finished AEMT school at the same time.
Number of really awesome kids we have. Grayson, Lilly, Haylee, Bella, Jaxon & Braxon.
Caffeinated drink
book series
midnight snack
most inspirational person
Television Series
I could write a novel on why I think I am the luckiest mom in the world. These kids of mine are so cool, truly they are. Grayson our oldest, can learn to play any song on guitar basically just by listening to it. Lilly, she's the most patient, loving girl ever, loves softball and wants to be a photographer when she grows up too. Haylee is a phenomenal artist and bakes like no other, seriously if you need cake pops she's your girl. Bella is so goofy and can make a mean fort! Jaxon is the best Fortnite player I've ever seen, he can make grown men cry, plus he has some killer dance moves. Braxon, our little genius boy, so good at baseball and loves to worship. I am so happy that I get to spend my days with this crew, we homeschool and get to have slow days enjoying each other plus go on adventures. It has been such a blessing to us. Two of our kiddos have autism and we have seen them flourish in finding their strengths, plus the others have really been able to lean into their interests and talents lately. We have a pretty awesome life that I wouldn't trade for anything.